Rampa News guest is Victoria Cambranes, democratic candidate for NYC Council in district 33. Victoria is a daughter of mother who comes from Poland, and father who comes from Guatemala. She was born and raised in Greenpoint, and she speaks fluent Polish.
Victoria Cambranes discusses many issues, including land use issue, which is one of her priorities. She presents her plan for working with developers, at the same time protecting rights of the residents of the district.
Cambranes presents her perspective on reforming NYPD budget – she believes police officers should be held accountable for their misconduct, and she feels, this is lacking now in the NYPD. She also criticizes the chief of Police Benevolent Association.
Cambranes also talks about her relationship with Polish American community in Greenpoint and explains her position in one of the conflicts with some members of Polonia from the past.
In terms of economy, Victoria calls herself a “proud socialist” – in the interview she explains what she means by that, and how she sees the implementation of socialist principles in NYC.
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