Historic Conference in D.C. Commemorates Partnership Between Ronald Reagan and Pope John Paul II


On Wednesday, September 26, an international conference , Ronald Reagan and Pope John Paul II: The Partnership that Changed the World , will carefully examine the partnership between President Reagan and Pope John Paul II – including the remarkable events of their presidency and papacy and their lasting legacies. This is the first major conference to  ultimately examine these two remarkable men and how together they altered the course of history. Featured speakers include men and women who worked closely with the Pope or the President, leaders from the countries the two men helped liberate, and notable historians of the era including:

Edwin Meese, counselor to President Reagan, 1981-1985; attorney general of the United States, 1985-1989, Pres. Vaclav Klaus, 1st finance minister of post-communist Czechoslovakia and 2nd president of the Czech Republic, as well as Ambassador Callista Gingrich, US Ambassador to the Holy See. 

EVENT IS FREE BUT YOU NEED TO REGISTER: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ronald-reagan-and-john-paul-ii-the-partnership-that-changed-the-world-tickets-48951574477

For more details, please listen to our interview with Monika Jablonska, co-organizer of the event, author of the book “Wind from Heaven. John Paul II, The Poet Who Became Pope.”


In the picture below, Monika Jablonska with Callista Gingrich and Professor Marek Jan Chodakiewicz.





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